2 Hours at Versailles, “The World’s Most Famous Cuban Restaurant,” in Miami, FL 2020-08-20 On: 08/20/2020 In: Miami Spend enough time at Versailles in Miami, and the distance between the United States and Cuba seems to shrink.
Gilets Jaunes in Nice: What a City’s Protests Can Reveal About its Identity 2018-12-12 On: 12/12/2018 In: Europe The violent protests by the gilets jaunes, or “yellow vests,” happening in Paris are not happening in Nice, France’s fifth largest city. This begged a question: How much can you infer about a city based on the protests that occur within it?
14 Photos: Women’s March, State Troopers Stop Traffic on I-395 in Miami, FL 2017-01-24 On: 01/24/2017 In: Miami At a time in 2017 when working together for the common good seemed impossible, The Government and The People found common ground in Miami.