Memphis’s Broad Avenue Brawl involved chairs, poles, buckets, and plenty of flying bodies. This bar-room wrestling match provided the sort of unregulated fun you could never get at a WWE arena event.
It’s time to go back to Memphis, a city that continues to hold our attention. Even as it grows and changes, it remains a city with a true sense of self.
Leonard’s Pit Barbecue is one of the oldest and “top” spots in one of America’s barbecue capitals, but it has very little national hype. We went to find out why.
The best description of Craig Meek’s Memphis Barbecue came around 2 a.m.: “You wrote a book about your city through [freaking] barbecue. How cool is that?!”
The night was far younger than we realized. Someone invited us to have a drink at Wild Bill’s, which a local would later call “the last real place in Memphis.”