Who: Garbage Point, unlisted, Sky Tigers, The Natural Disasters, Mickey Rickshaw, and Weaklings.
Night Two of Noise Floor Weekend, a DIY punk festival.

Where: The Worthen House in Lowell, MA.

When: Saturday December 5, 2015.

How: Booked by The Noise Floor, a Boston-based punk radio show.

Why: Let’s be honest here folks, a six-band show with a $5 cover isn’t making anybody rich. Just driving your band to Lowell is likely going to cost more in gas than you might make on a night like this. If you play a show like this, attend it, or book it, you’re doing it because you love the music.

If you like the photos below, click on the links above to hear what the bands sound like. Most of them have mp3s you can purchase, and I’m sure they would appreciate the support.




Text & photos by Dan Meade
Night of show: 12/05/15
Published: 12/15/15