Or: “Meade’s Meatmorial Day Meatporn Meatstravaganza (aka Smokerfest ’13)”
“C’mon on in here, I’m glad you all showed up.” That was how Chris Harry Paskett welcomed us into his barbecue restaurant before giving us free samples, a pit tour and even a couple beers from his own supply. His was just one example of the amazing hospitality that we’ve been shown during our barbecue travels across the South. It was also a reminder that hospitality and generosity are two of the qualities of a great pitmaster.
This past Memorial Day we wanted to convey that spirit of hospitality by inviting a few dozen friends to the ManicHaus for an all-day barbecue party. These photos show not just that party, but also the three days of smoking that preceded it.
— Text & Photos: Dan Meade
Fest: May 24-27, 2013
Published: July 21, 2013